Services & Fees

A percentage of each fee is donated to support the betterment of women and girls in India, and for indigenous women here in the Southwest.

Vedic Astrology / Jyotisha:

Natal Reading
75-90 minutes - $225

Using the chart of the heavens at the time and place of your birth, I interpret the themes and patterns of your destiny, and where and how you can exert your free will to accomplish your goals. Gain greater awareness of your strengths and learn how to better leverage them to deal with challenges. Find out where things flow easily for you, and how to navigate around the obstacles.

Vedic Astrology / Jyotisha:

Follow up / Transit Reading
75-90 minutes - $225

There’s so much information in a chart! It can’t all be unpacked in one natal reading. And, as the planets move they create new opportunities and challenges each year. Follow up sessions can delve deeper into specific areas and/or look at the transits to shed light on the energies of the coming year. Some clients book a reading each year on their birthday or at the new year to help them plan ahead.

Vedic Astrology / Jyotisha: Compatibility Reading for 2 people
75-90 minutes - $333

Using the natal charts of any two people I shed light on the strengths of the relationship and what might be a challenge. Learn how to better communicate and how to increase intimacy. Very useful information to have before the commitment, before signing the business contract, and a wonderful tool for a parent to understand how to relate better with their child.

Sliding Scale ~ contact me to learn of upcoming classes

Gentle stretches and breathing practices. Luscious moving meditations, and expressive, lively dance. Sessions end with a healing relaxation practice to build resilience. Drink from the well of embodied movement and restorative rest. Sessions may be informed by moon phases, star patterns, and planetary influences to inspire our medicinal movement and somatic exploration.

Yoga Nidra Instruction and Practice
Individual $111 (60 min)

Group instruction - call for pricing

Yoga Nidra is an ancient meditation that brings deep healing and rejuvenation on all levels - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. I talk you through a rich landscape of cues designed to lead you into ever-deeper levels of relaxation. And/or, I can teach you to lead yourself through the practice! A game-changer that brings rest and resilience to body and mind while being a profound spiritual practice.

Meditation or Pranayama Instruction and Practice
Individual $111 (60 min)
Group instruction -

call for pricing

Meditation is a powerful tool for calming the mind and relieving stress and connecting with spirit. Yogic breath practices, known as “pranayama,” can increase vitality and health. These ancient techniques are not one-size-fits-all! Discover the appropriate meditation and/or breath techniques for your unique constitution and needs.

Ayurveda: Assessment, Education
& Lifestyle Plan Recommendations

75 - 90 minutes- $175

Discover what your unique constitution is, and how to find balance and radiant health. Learn the basic Ayurvedic principles so that you’re empowered to make wise choices. Receive a customized lifestyle plan tailored to your constitutional needs - with recommendations that you can actually do. Initial 75-90 minute consultation and 30 minute follow up included. Additional follow-ups are $100/ hour.


Bespoke Retreats

Would you like to do a retreat tailored to your specific needs, with one-on-one guidance and no crowds? I create bespoke retreats for 1-3 participants at a time, under the vast skies and in the beautiful nature of our 30 acre ranch in northern New Mexico.

Your special retreat might include: Yoga, meditation, and pranayama instruction tailored to the needs of your body-mind-spirit, a Vedic Astrology natal chart and transit reading, an Ayurvedic assessment and plan for your unique constitution, lessons in Ayurvedic cooking, spiritual dance, journaling, nature walks, star gazing, field trips to local wonders, and many other options depending on your focus and goals.

Please inquire for more information, pricing and booking.

Workshops and Classes in Ayurveda & More

Workshops and classes on Ayurveda principles and applications, for groups or for yoga teacher trainings. Other related topics offered: history of Yoga, Yoga philosophy, the chakras, the koshas, karma, Ayurvedic cooking and diet, how to tailor yoga classes for vata, pitta, and kapha constitutions, and more.

Please inquire for more information.



Ready to register for class, book a reading, or have questions? Click the button to the right to contact me.